In this episode of the Stella Culinary School Podcast, we talk about three major starches that every cook must know and understand; polenta, risotto and mashed potatoes. In the discussion segment we go over the meaning of an entrée, appetizer and hors d'oeuvre.
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There are 7 Comments

It depends a lot on personal
It depends a lot on personal preference and where you grew up. I'm not a southerner, but when I do cook grits, I like them nice and creamy. This usually means I'll start with a 1:4 ratio just like polenta and then finish with a good amount of cream and butter. Don't forget to re-season your grits afterwards, as the fat in the butter and cream will deaden the flavors slightly.
Regardless, a 1:4 ratio is a good place to start. You can always adjust the liquid up or down on your next go-around.

Is Polenta and Corn Meal the
Is Polenta and Corn Meal the same thing?

They're basically the same
They're basically the same thing but milled different. Polenta is a more fine then most conrmeals. Cornmeal also has a stronger "corn" flavor.

Hey Karlito, your absolutely
Hey Karlito, your absolutely right.
A good alternative to mashed potatoes, is cauliflower mash. Absolutely delicious, especially if you add bacon.