Before you start to cut anything, you need to make sure you have a secure work surface. A cutting board that isn’t secured can easily move around, making it extremely dangerous and almost impossible to cut quickly and accurately.
To secure your station, simply wet a kitchen towel or side towel and wring out any excess water. Lay the towel on top of your counter top and place your cutting board squarely on top of the towel. This will keep your cutting board secure while doing your prep.
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There are 7 Comments

Bamboo cutting boards are
Bamboo cutting boards are fine. It really comes down to personal preference.

Yeah, but no matter what you
Yeah, but no matter what you do, you will eventually have to sharpen your knives eventually. I figure use whatever makes you feel comfortable and when the time comes, sharpen your knife.

@ Guy, I've always preferred
@ Guy,
I've always preferred wood cutting boards. As long as you scrub with hot, soapy water, rinse, dry and sanitize (just like you should be doing with a plastic board), then you'll be fine.