This video will take you from start to finish through the terrine making process. The wrapping technique can be used for any sort of shredded/braised meat including duck legs, chicken thighs, oxtail, ect.
The braised meat can be seasoned how ever you like, and is cured out with 2% kosher salt with 0.2% sodium nitrite added (calculated based on salt's weight), with the weight of the meat always being 100% (just like the baker's percentage). If you want to serve this terrine hot, I would recommend adding 0.8% Activa RM (Transglutiminase), although this is optional.
Ingredients Used In Final Meat Mix
- 3000g Trotter Meat, Braised and Shredded
- 60g Kosher Salt (3,000 x .02 = 60g)
- 0.12g Sodium Nitrite (60g salt x .02 = 0.12g Sodium Nitrite)
- 5g White Pepper, Finely Ground
- 24g Activa RM (Optional)
- 20g Dijon Mustard
- 1b Parsley, Chopped
- 1/2b Tarragon, Leaves Only
- 4 Onions, Julienned and Carmelized (800g after being cooked)
Quick Tip: Since most people don't have a scale that is accurate to 1/100th of a gram, I would recommend making a larger batch of curing salt. The extra cure mix can be saved, and used for stuff like duck prosciutto, confit, or pancetta (videos to come). Weight out 500g of Kosher Salt and add to it 1g of sodium nitrite. Mix thoroughly, label properly and keep away from children.
The sodium nitrite in this recipe is optional, although if you leave it out, I would recommend bringing the kosher salt content up to 3% by weight and only curing your terrine for no longer then a month. You will also loose that pink, rosy color that is commonly associated with cured foods.
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There are 12 Comments

This is awesome
I happen to have some pigs feet and hocks I did not know what to do with in the freezer, so this was a must try. I only had the 4 feet and one hock so the Shredded meat came out to 300g. I did not use Activa RM or Sodium Nitrite, so as recommended I used 9g (3%) salt, and let it hang in the refrigerator for 3 weeks. I am totally new to making Charcuterie, but I thought it came out really well.

Awesome Jason! This is really
Awesome Jason! This is really one of my favorite things to make in the kitchen and is not easy to master by any means. I respect your audacity in tackling this project. I just shot the second half of this video. At Stella we were serving the trotter terrine panko crusted with sauted favas and a simple, pan reduction sauce. People really liked it. I'll try to get it posted in the next week or so.

Great video
Great video, I can't wait for part two.

@bogdan, The shredded meat
The shredded meat and the dissolved gelatin contained within the meat help to hold this terrine together. This technique relies on compression and tension, something that meat can stand up to but most fruit and vegetables can't.
Did you have something specific in mind for a fruit terrine?

@ Pericowest, Yes, as long
@ Pericowest,
Yes, as long as it is the type of meat you would braise or stew, you can make a really nice roulade with it. Just follow the steps in the video, and I would recommend adding some type of fat either melted or diced into cubes. Pork back fat or bacon would work nicely for this application.
Let me know how it turns out!

Chef Jacob quick question on
Chef Jacob quick question on curing salt. I was looking online for Sodium Nitrite so I can try your Trotter Terrine technique and came across this from Morton:
Is this something you would recommend? It seems the % of Nitrate and Nitrite is greater than you suggest.
Thanks for you response and I really do appreciate the site.

Hi Sean, I prefer to buy my
Hi Sean,
I prefer to buy my ingredients in pure form so I can have maximum control over what I'm making. Tender Quick is sodium nitrate, nitrite, sugar and regular salt already mixed. It will work as a curing salt, but I don't have any experience with it because again, I prefer to keep all my ingredients separate that way I can add them at my own desired ratio.
If you go with the tender quick, follow their instructions for curing meat. If you want to buy pure sodium nitrite, like I use in the video, you can get it here:
Glad you're enjoying the site.

The picture is of Nitrate but
The picture is of Nitrate but they will send you Nitrite if you order it. "Pink" curing salt is pure nitrate or nitrite that is cut with regular table salt and dyed pink so you won't confuse it with regular salt. The link above is the pure nitrite which allows you to mix your own curing salt.