In this episode of The Stella Culinary School Podcast, we start our five part mother sauce series. First up, sauce hollandaise, which is the base on which all other emulsified sauces are inspired and built. In the discussion segment, we talk about the science behind emulsified sauces, including the molecular make up of an emulsifier and how to use them to your advantage.
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There are 7 Comments

@ GreenBake, To answer your
@ GreenBake,
To answer your first question, you can pasturize eggs with really good results using an immersion circulator. Place the whole eggs inside a whisk to keep them from bouncing around in the water current and cook at 131F/55C for a minimum of two hours.
A VitaPrep is a more powerful version of the VitaMix. Both are great blenders, but the VitaPreps power is good for the extra abuse handed out in professional applications.

Hey Pizza, Welcome to Stella
Hey Pizza,
Welcome to Stella Culinary. To learn more about sauces, I would recommend that you listen to our audio lectures, episodes, 9-13. You can also listen to our lectures on stocks, which are episodes 2 & 3.
After that, watch all the videos in our sauces and soups video index, and you can also use our Mother Sauce Resource page as a reference.
I haven't shot video on all the mother sauces yet, but it is something I'm actively working on. However, if you go through the information listed above, you'll have a really good grasp on sauce making.
Let me know if you have any other questions.

Hey Ed, Welcome to Stella
Hey Ed,
Welcome to Stella Culinary.
Yep, it was your sauce pan that was the culprit. Acids such as lemon juice will react with aluminum, which is why your sauce had an off color. Next time try a stainless steel pan, or even a non-stick for the reduction. Should fix this issue.
Let us know if you have any more questions.